Building the Library

Steps to Build

  1. Comfirm you have a working version of Ant installed.
  2. Download the source jar from SourceForge.
  3. Extract the code from the source jar. It will expand into a folder called YetAnotherSwingLib with the following files and sub-folders:
    • build.xml
    • /deployment
    • /lib (This folder is a placeholder for future use.)
    • /logging-props
    • /source
    • /source-slf4j
  4. Execute the following in the same folder as build.xml: ant build. The build.xml file has the following targets:
    • api: creates API documentation in the JavaDoc format.
    • build: compiles all source files and creates all jars.
    • clean: removes all files created by the build.
    • clean-build: executes clean then build.

Build Output

The output from the build will be located in the deployment folder. The build will create five jar files:

Running the Test Application

The sole purpose of this application is to test components and architecture features. Note that the test application depends on the slf4j jar and the other three yasl jars. These jars (slf4j-api-1.4.3.jar; yasl-arch-1.0.jar; yasl-slf4j-1.0.jar; yasl-components-1.0.jar) must be in the same folder as the test application jar.

Use the following command to run the test application:
java -jar yasl-testapp-1.2.jar

Running the Hello World Application

The sole purpose of this application is to test the architecture with a minimum amount of code. It's a bare bones YASL application. For a detailed description of the Hello World Application's components, see Quick Start: Hello World. Note that the hello world application depends on the slf4j.jar and two other yasl jars. These jars (slf4j-api-1.4.3.jar; yasl-arch-1.0.jar; and yasl-slf4j-1.0.jar) must be in the same folder as the test application jar.

Use the following command to run the hello world application:
java -jar yasl-helloworld-1.2.jar